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Pews News  Pews News 28th July 2024

Bowland Benefice
Pews News 28 July 2024
Collect for Trinity 9
Almighty God, who sent your Holy Spirit
to be the life and light of your Church:
open our hearts to the riches of your grace,
that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit
in love and joy and peace;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
This Week in the Benefice
27 July

10.30am Coffee
Morning in The
Parish Room,
White Ladies

28 July
Trinity 9

9.30am Holy
Communion in
White Ladies
10.30am Morning
Prayer in
11.00am Holy
Communion in

29 July

12.00noon Meet and Eat
in The Parish

3 August

6.30pm Summer Supper
In Peopleton

4 August
Trinity 10

10.30am Benefice Holy
Communion in
There are still tickets left for the Summer Evening
Supper at Jim Crow Corner, Peopleton next Saturday.
Tickets cost £15 for a two-course meal.
Please take your own drink and glasses. For tickets
ring Carole – 840879; Caroline – 840630;
Diana – 840611 or Kim – 840911
All profits will go to St Nicholas’ Church.
As you know, in August we hold just one service each
Sunday in the Benefice, rotating around our parishes.
It is a wonderful opportunity to visit and experience
the very different characters and styles of the
churches in our Benefice. Please do encourage friends
and neighbours to travel around with you.
As we come together this morning, in the words of
one of our great hymns, let us:
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!
Bow down before him, his glory proclaim!

A thought at a tangent…….

Well the schools have broken up, and life changes for
a few weeks. August, is the traditional holiday month
and even if it is spent at home it feels a bit different. A
time maybe to take stock, look around at things a bit
more, plan things for the Autumn ahead. A time
maybe to read a bit more, listen to favourite music or
meet up with family and friends.
Having been to Switzerland for 10 days, and enjoying
the Alpine scenery, I felt it was time to reread a book I
read, I reckon, when I was 8. I looked out my original
copy (the reprint was 1954) the pages felt thick and
rough and had gone a strange ‘old’ colour and smelt a
bit musty. The illustrations are of a different age and
portray an idealistic and romantically simple life
herding goats on the mountain slopes.
The first thing that struck me when reading Heidi
again was how stilted the language is and the wealth
of complex vocabulary that an 8 year old in the 1950s
was supposed to take in her stride.
The book has a charm and innocence with a simple

Christian message.

Heidi says the stars twinkle because they see how well
God has arranged everything for men so that nobody
needs to be afraid and can be quite sure that
everything will turn out for the best.
She also says every day we must thank God for
everything. If we don’t get what we have asked for we
must say ‘now I know dear Father, that you have
something better in mind and you will make it right in

the end.’

Jesus said Suffer little children, and forbid them not,
to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of
heaven. (Matthew 19 v 14)
A Prayer…….
Lord God,

we put ourselves into Your hands,
and pray that You will bless us and our families
during these wonderful weeks of summer.
May we all help make our home places of relaxation,

joy, love, peace and safety.
May we be generous and considerate,
not thinking only about ourselves,
but helping others
enjoy the blessings of summertime.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


…….and a thought for the coming week
We are all unique.

God invites each one of us to offer our gifts – and our

weakness –in his service.

We come into his church building to be blessed;
we leave it in order to be a blessing for others,

wherever we travel
and whatever we are doing.

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